Archive for August, 2015

Heart-Centered Sales

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i am a natural saleswoman although i never would have considered myself this until recently. i started selling all the way back with my childhood lemonade stand. (yes, i have invested in sales training in my “grown-up” business.)

i have massive resistance when sales people talk about “closing”, “closing a prospect”, “closing the deal”.

the energetics of using the word “closing” in regards to starting a working relationship feels AWFUL!!!!!

i recently had a friend, who is a talented saleswoman tell me that my resistance to the word “closing” in regards to sales was ridiculous, silly and a block that keeps me from selling. “closing” in relationship to selling may work for some and it doesn’t work for me! the feeling of being “closed” during a sales conversation feels like being hunted or trapped, NO THANK YOU!

i am here to tell you that you can enroll clients from a heart-centered place that is energetically OPENING!
you can open a space for your prospective clients to STEP INTO.
you can create enrollment conversations that are INVITING.
you and your potential client can experience deep healing during sales conversations.

If you know in your HEART that inviting clients to work with you is a sacred art and you are ready for help with heart-centered enrollment conversations let’s talk about how i can help you.I have a limited number of Spiritual Business Clarity Session available each month; I encourage you to fill out the application to reserve your time here: Spiritual Business Clarity Session