Posts by Christel

birthday & the death field

I am consciously entering the field of birth and death this week.

I stand on the threshold that leads to my father’s birthday & the anniversary of his physical death.

Countless times I have cried longing for my father’s arms around me.

I have wanted to hear the encouraging sound of his voice.

After 17 years, i allow myself the space grieve.

I expand the space of continuing to LOVE.

I focus on the relationship I can have with him, the connection we have that is not limited by space and time. The power of love that still holds steady even though he holds no physical form.

When i stopped resisting my dharma (sacred duty) to walk between worlds the healing transformation

the struggle eased
my eyes opened
my heart expanded
my courage ignited
my mission clarified
the path to freedom became crystal clear

soul purpose activation

standing. steady. ready. open. clear. courageous.