Archive for the “Soul Purpose” Category

Practice to Reduce Stress

It’s a daily challenge to navigate and process current events.

Inner guidance: Start working with the Improvisation principle of “Yes and…” with current events in order to stay centered.

Me: there is NO FLIPPING WAY I can say “YES AND” to any of this!

Inner guidance: So… resistance and denial are your choice?

Me: OK FINE! I’ll try.

I acknowledge my resistance and start practicing anyway.

In a short time I realize the ‘Yes’ is *NOT* saying Yes in agreement with sh*tshow that is happening, it allows me to stay present and accept what is.

The ‘YES’ makes me available to take action in response to what is happening instead of staying stuck in fear and overwhelm.

The ‘Yes’ supports me to stay in my power AND be part of the change.

Me: Inner guidance you are so wise! I am glad I followed your advice!

Please share this post and share in the comments: What practices are you using to stay present and grounded?