Healing Childhood Trauma

On some level, Rosey knew she was a disappointment out of the womb since she was not the boy her parents wanted.

She loved being me, and I loved being female. Coming from a highly dysfunctional home, she was often able to just wander away. Forgotten, yet that was probably just as well.

Survival kicked-in. she started learning the game. “Be charming, please, avoid conflict. Lose yourself to take care of yourself – no one else will.”

Rosey’s salve became her popularity at school and some power as a female leader. Her life unfolded with some hard hits, caused by culture, fate, narcissists, and personal choice. There were many great adventures and love, lost love and some more hits, followed by interesting adventures.

Today, at almost 64, she is grateful everyday, satisfied in life, love and generally a “happy camper” and healing the wounds that remain.

Posted on: August 17th, 2017