Lone wolf seeking playful pack

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell

i have been a lone wolf all my life.

nixxphotography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

nixxphotography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

i spent my time childhood creating ceremony connected to nature. i loved being creative with writing, reading, playing outdoors and i thrived in physical activities. I struggled with loads of health issues and did my best to navigate family dysfunction (join the club right?!)

i grew up playing solitary sports: gymnastics, tennis, spring board diving, and sprinting in track. (i was high jumper too. at 5’2″ my gymnastics training helped me JUMP HIGH… this is a story for another day.)

At 18, i hit the road and began wandering the US gypsy-style. i played music in the streets, designed & sold jewelry, offered healing sessions, and imported goods from mexico to sell at festivals. I was committed to creating life on my own terms. This developed my entrepreneurial skills and yet also amplified my rebellious “i can do it by myself” protection strategy.

I am a freepsirit. i enjoy traveling and living solo. i am fiercely independent.
and yet
I long for evolutionary, authentic, and affectionate relationships.

My lone wolf story is now a self-fulfilling prophecy of loneliness. I am writing a new story. I am re-programming my subconscious to open and receive loving & creative community.

I AM HOWLING TO FIND MY PACK! Can you hear me?!

It may not be graceful as i share my message, uncover the truths i have kept hidden, shift my image, let go of walls that have kept me safe and removed from you and my tribe. This will likely be messy and you may question me and my sanity. As i see it, this is the only way for me to come out of hiding and find my pack.

i am committed to shine my authentic light.

i am willing to meet my shadow.

i will find my way out of this self-created prison.

Posted on: September 11th, 2013 1 Comment

One Response

  1. Amanda Hawkins says:

    I so relate to this! I can hear your howling and am howling back! Love you!