Posts Tagged “Crystal Healing”

Soul Purpose Oracle ~ November Crystal Codes

Soul Purpose Oracle Reading from the Sacred Crystal Codes Deck

*The more specific your question the more potent the answer*

Take a deeper breath.
Soften your face & shoulders.
Ask the Sacred Crystals and your inner guidance to pick a card to guide, inspire or uplift you.

Post the number of your choice in the comments below.
You will receive a mini energy healing to support your alignment with your soul purpose.


Sacred Crystal Codes Oracle Reading

Thank you for joining me this week. Please let me know how this lands for you! 🙂 Are there any additional insights you would like to add?

Take a deep breath as you open and receive the message from the Sacred Crystal Codes Deck. Listen to your inner guidance and intuitive feelings and move beyond the logical mind.

#1 Rebirth
What can you let go of that no longer serves you? You are invited to awaken the dormant gifts that are waiting to be activated in your body, mind & being. Follow your inspiration and take action to clear out the old and activate what is in alignment with your soul purpose.

#2 Protection
You are ready for the next evolution in your healing journey. Protection & boundaries are an important aspect of living in this intense time of human evolution. Is there someone or something you need or want to forgive that will allow an even great expression of your purpose? Take time to explore any contracts or agreements you have made with yourself or others and decide is they still serve the You that You are becoming.

#3 Guilt
Listen to your intuition and follow your soul path. Purify and protect yourself from the thoughts, feelings and projections of others onto you. It is essential that you remain steadfast in your journey of living in alignment with your purpose knowing that people you love may not always support you. How can you stay open and connected yet not let disapproval or questioning from loved ones deter your from your path of truth?

ps: the beautiful Sacred Crystal Codes deck is created by Patricia Missakian of the Akashic Records Institute