Posts Tagged “sou purpose coach”

Soul Purpose Oracle June 30, 2017

Soul Purpose Oracle: Take a breath & soften your face & shoulders. Ask your inner guidance to pick a card to guide, inspire or uplift you.

Post the number of your choice in the comments below. You will receive a mini energy healing to support your alignment with your soul purpose.


Sacred Rebel Oracle, please let me know how the reading resonates for you this week!
Going Beyond Normal ~ Take the risk, step outside your comfort zone and explore what is available to you. Explore an idea or vision you have had in mind because there are many paths and possibilities available to you now. Logic and structure are important right now and you are being invited to follow your intuition and listen your inner guidance.

Be the Hunter, Not the Hunted
You are capable of seeing the truth and rewiring old patterns in order to create new connections and more aligned relationships. Look for ways you may be giving your power away to people or situations out of habit instead of BEING the powerful creator of your life. In order to release old relationships and patterns it’s essential that you take time to be with yourself, listen deeply and sit in nature to discover and strengthen your truth.

Collaborative Dreaming
You heart is big enough to dream for yourself and to give birth to the dream for a new humanity. Honor your desire to collaborate and co-create with like-minded groups. Creative endeavors with groups with support you to clear unconscious patterns in relationship and to highlight and amplify your super powers. Follow your instincts to align your time, energy and money with people and projects in service to the highest good, integrity and love.