Soul Purpose Ritual

A one-to-one ritual for women to create true alignment
with pleasure, feminine power, purpose & prosperity

You are sensitive, strong, intuitive, creative, visionary and hearing the call to live in alignment with your Soul Purpose.  This is an invitation to reclaim the feminine creative powers of listening, allowing, feeling and healing with a soul purpose ritual.

You are not experiencing a “life transition,” you’re in a sacred initiation & rite of passage into the life you are born to live. It feels like your life depends upon activating your soul purpose, because you can no longer deny the calling of your soul.

In this cauldron of transformation, you may be feeling the depths of grief, fear, loneliness, depression, exhaustion while knowing on a cellular level that your DNA is being aligned and activated to fulfill your divine mission. You have known moments of alignment by the truth bumps that dance on your skin or the shiver that runs up your spine with undeniable soul truth.

Your current stage of burning through the old is uncomfortable but necessary in order for the PHOENIX to rise from the ashes, the good news is that you don’t need to do this alone, in fact you can’t. The sisterhood is being restored, the healing web is being repaired and each one of us are an essential part of this collaboration & global awakening.

My soul purpose is supporting women to awaken intuition, align with soul purpose and enjoy an empowered relationship with money. 

Soul Purpose Ritual is an intimate experience for women ready for greater power, pleasure, play and prosperity

A Soul Purpose Ritual can support you if:

  • You know you need to change your relationship with money and power
  • You know in your bones you are here for something BIG yet feel stuck
  • You’re done playing small and denying your dreams
  • You are in the midst of a health, financial or relationship crisis
  • You have gifts and talents that are not being used in your current life or business
  • You feel exhausted, lost or overwhelmed by what’s happening in the world

You can expect to:

  • Connect with your passion and soul purpose
  • Have a clear path in going forward without compromising yourself or the greater good
  • Create regular rituals to move your body-mind & inspire your heart
    Remember what pleasure and play feel like

Soul Purpose Ritual includes:

  • Hands-on Ritual Bodywork & Soul Purpose Energy Healing
  • Gemstone Therapy & Essential Oil Annointments
  • Remember your Soul Calling with deep guided visualization
  • Recognize the power of your Heroine’s Journey & the Soul-Allies waiting to support you
  • Rewire your brain for alignment with your Soul Truth
  • Rewrite the stories that stop you from being, doing and having what you want

Soul Purpose Ritual Details:
A deep dive intimate ritual with you, me & your soul
Takes place in a beautiful & private healing sanctuary in Concord/Walnut Creek, California
The retreat is totally personalized and customized to your needs right now
This is an overnight retreat

I have limited spots available for Soul Purpose Ritual. If you have been wanting to work with me one-on-one and in person I encourage you to reach you to me now if you feel the call.
Option #1: Soul Purpose Ritual – One Day Immersion $1888
Option #2: Soul Purpose Ritual Two Day Immersion $2888
Includes: Soul Success Design Calls before and after the retreat

Soul Purpose Ritual

If this sounds good to you and you want to have a conversation with me first to talk about what you are struggling with, your dreams, your soul purpose and how I can support you to activate the power of your Soul Purpose.

Please fill out an application for a complimentary Soul Purpose Clarity Session

We will discuss your current challenges, your vision for the future, and how I may be able to support you.

I have a limited number of Soul Purpose Clarity sessions available each month; I encourage you to fill out the application to book yours!

with love & the power of awakening,